How the UFO Phenomenon Played a Key Role in the JFK Assassination Cover-Up!
by Dave O’Brien
No, I do not subscribe to the far-out notion that President John F. Kennedy was murdered by aliens from outer space, but the UFO phenomenon may have a fascinating link to the JFK assassination cover-up!
One way to cut through the maze of hundreds of assassination conspiracy theories, almost all of which are misinformation, is to look at the necessary second part of a well thought out conspiracy – the cover-up.
And that’s where the UFO phenomenon comes into play in trying to understand why the JFK murder remains America’s ultimate cold case 55 years later.
What further compounds this historic event are theorists who contend that those responsible for killing the President of the United States also had to have the means to be able to cover it up for decades.
That is not necessarily the case.
What is necessary for a criminal act to be covered up for a lengthy period of time is a willing partner, even if it is a detached entity from the event.
Such a sinister partner would have to be in a position of influence and power to decide:
A) That suppressing the nature of the conspiracy serves a purpose greater than the public’s need to know the truth.
B) A belief that the conspiracy to hide the truth is achievable.
Therefore, the instrument of cover-up doesn’t also have to be directly involved in the event for which a cover-up is deemed necessary.
For instance, my book Through The ‘Oswald’ Window argues that Lee Harvey Oswald had connections to rebel CIA operatives and certain kingpins of organized crime who conspired to set him up as the ‘lone’ assassin of JFK.
This is not to suggest that the U.S. government was directly involved in assassinating its 35th President, or even the CIA itself, yet the U.S. government did deem that the circumstances of the President’s death should be kept from the public.
Accordingly, after a public trial was denied when Oswald was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby two days later, JFK’s successor Lyndon Johnson assembled the Warren Commission to ascertain the facts of the event that would be presented to the American people as the truth.
To make certain that the cover-up was in place, LBJ imposed a 75-year ban on thousands of documents pertaining to the assassination to ensure that the Warren Report would stand as the historic record until 2038.
What is about to be proposed may seem more suitable for an episode of the X-Files or perhaps even the Twilight Zone because it requires us to believe in a second tantalizing conspiracy of sorts – Unidentified Flying Objects.
Just as the U.S. government had nothing to do with the actual murder of President Kennedy, but orchestrated the cover-up of what happened on November 22, 1963, this is preceded by an identical situation regarding the UFO controversy.
The U.S. government may have had nothing to do with the ongoing sightings of unidentified flying objects over the years, but at a specific point, it made a conscious decision that every effort should be made to conceal the existence of UFO’s from the public.
This became the mutual policy of governments around the world, even adversarial nations like the Soviet Union.
For several decades, this has involved complete and repeated denial of their existence, creative ways to explain UFO’s away as natural occurring phenomenon or mistaken observations by witnesses, including an orchestrated effort to intimidate witnesses into silence.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a UFO investigative organization not affiliated with any government, has documented thousands of UFO sightings, as well as a pattern of keeping witnesses quiet, especially military and police personnel who are routinely ridiculed and threatened with job loss or even death if they speak of their experience.
Following the crash of an airborne object in July of 1947 on a farm in Roswell, New Mexico, early reports went out that the debris recovered at the crash scene was alien in nature, not of this earth.
Further, initial reports also claimed that at least two extra terrestrial dead bodies were recovered that were humanoid in appearance.
Because the incident involved a downed aircraft of sorts, the U.S. military was called in to investigate.
That’s when everything changed.
The military quickly issued a statement to correct the first report that said an entity from outer space crashed to earth. The revised report stated that the recovered debris, much of which was a strange pliable metal displaying odd symbols, was in fact a classified military high-altitude weather balloon.
As for the alien bodies recovered at the scene, the military report claimed they were test-flight dummies that were mangled upon impact.
Although nobody had ever heard of test-flight dummies being part of weather balloons, the military went into full containment mode that included a gag order of all witnesses and the threat of court-marshal to the military personnel called to the crash site.
The goings on in Roswell were peculiar, to say the least, but that was nothing compared to what this incident instigated in Washington. A downed weather balloon would not have triggered what happened next.
Whatever happened in Roswell was important enough to bring to the immediate attention of President Harry Truman.
His actions suggest that the first report out of Roswell was what really happened.
No doubt out of fear of panic that might sweep across America if told of visitors from outer space, Truman not only approved of the cover-up following the crash, he set up a secret branch of government to contain any such situation that might occur again.
It is believed that with deceased alien beings in captivity, along with highly advanced extra-terrestrial technology far beyond what America had at the time, Truman created a secret commission on September 24, 1947 called Majestic Twelve (MJ-12).
MJ-12 was formed to develop a strategic plan to:
1. Assemble a team of aeronautic experts to reverse engineer the space craft now in their possession.
2. Develop an operation’s manual with instructions on how to to immediately take over and contain an ET crash site. This special operations manual manual became known as SOM1-01: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal.
3. Keep the UFO phenomenon secret from the public, from keeping civilians away from a crash site to a blanket denial of an alien vessel being involved in the incident.
4. Create a list of alternative explanations for an alien crash site, such as a downed weather balloon or a classified military aircraft, as well as causes for optical illusions, from satellites to naturally occurring phenomenon such as meteors.
Following World War II, Truman created the National Security Act of 1947, a realignment of the U.S. military and intelligence services. This would lead to the creation of the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency.
As the Cold War with the Soviets emerged, the Roswell UFO crash became one of the early priorities of the new National Security Council because it first had to be established that the craft recovered at Roswell was not some type of advanced Soviet technology.
Then, just as Truman was preparing to turn the White House over to Dwight D. Eisenhower, multiple UFO’s were sighted over the nation’s capital.
It became known as the Washington UFO flap and meant that Eisenhower would have to put the Majestic Twelve operational strategy to work early in his administration.
During his eight years in office, President Eisenhower did not overturn MJ-12 or any of the government agencies that resulted from the National Security Act of 1947.
However, as Eisenhower was exiting the White House in 1961, he welcomed President elect John F. Kennedy with a public warning to beware the “unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
Mere months into his administration, President John F. Kennedy expressed dissatisfaction with the MJ-12 agenda and its modus operandi of suppression and secrecy.
This prompted a heads-up memorandum from CIA director Allen Dulles to the MJ-12 commission in which he cautions:
“You must know that Lancer (JFK’s Secret Service code name) has made some inquiries about our activities, which we cannot allow. If this continues, we must consider the situation to be wet. Please let me know your thoughts by October.”
It needs to be noted that the word “wet” was a clandestine term used by the CIA in place of the word blood.
This is why some conspiracy theorists link Dulles and MJ-12 to the eventual Kennedy assassination in Dallas.
Very early in his governance, JFK also developed a mistrust of his own military and CIA hierarchy.
He inherited a planned CIA-Military operation to oust new Cuban dictator Fidel Castro via a strategic strike on the shores of the Bay of Pigs.
But on the eve of the April 17, 1961 invasion, Kennedy had grown uncomfortable with the CIA’s plan of attack and the military’s commitment to provide air cover for the invading anti-Castro rebels.
The youthful President believed that an invading force of 1400 was woefully inadequate against Castro’s immense army.
He also didn’t like the optics of employing B-26 bombers. He believed that the attack should be an uprising by anti-Castro freedom fighters, not an American sanctioned act of war.
At the 11th hour, Kennedy pulled the air cover, which doomed the CIA trained rebels to failure. More than 100 rebels were killed and the remaining hundreds of fighters were captured by Castro’s loyalists.
The public embarrassment not only put JFK at odds with his military generals, he fired CIA director Allen Dulles and assistant director Richard Bissell.
But the biggest clash of all between JFK and his military-intelligence complex was on how to deal with the escalating cold war with the Soviet Union.
After an unsuccessful summit with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and their ultimate nuclear showdown during the Cuban Missile Crisis in which Kennedy ignored his hard-line military brass to secure a peaceful resolve, it was another issue that troubled the President even more.
The U.S. was heavily monitoring the Soviet’s nuclear program with regular reconnaissance flights, which came to a head when Francis Gary Powers was shot down in Soviet territory in July of 1960.
Kennedy authorized the spy flights to continue, but something bizarre happened that prompted him to break with Truman’s highly secretive doctrine.
While the Soviet Union was experiencing an increasing number of UFO sightings in 1963, it launched Kosmos 21, an unmanned space craft destined to explore the atmosphere of Venus.
However, the spaceship never made it out of earth’s atmosphere. There was no reason to suspect that the failed space mission had anything to do with the surge in UFO’s appearing in sovereign Soviet space, but JFK saw a potential catastrophe.
With the Francis Gary Powers incident still straining relations between the two nuclear superpowers, President Kennedy feared that UFO sightings in Soviet airspace could be mistaken for U.S. aggression that could trigger an accidental retaliatory act of war by the Kremlin.
This prompted two stunning directives by the President that signaled a thawing of the Cold War.
These initiatives shocked Kennedy’s military generals and the CIA because they were an about-face of existing U.S. policy pertaining to its most feared adversary.
Not only did JFK direct NASA to cooperate with the former Soviet Union on mutual outer space programs, he instructed NASA to take charge of studying reports of “unknowns” as provided by the CIA.
This appears to be a deliberate attempt to by-pass Majestic Twelve and its mandate to suppress all extra-terrestrial events and put the UFO phenomenon in the hands of NASA’s expertise on matters of outer space.
Then, on November 12, 1963, the Commander-in-Chief issued the declassified memorandum shown here.
It directs the CIA to provide a breakdown of “identified and unidentified sightings,” a clear attempt to distinguish between USAF or Soviet aircraft and unidentified craft (UFO’s). The President states:
“It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense and space programs.”
Since spying in sovereign airspace was considered an act of war, JFK felt that if the U.S. and Soviet’s shared information about the “knowns” and “unknowns” in each other’s skies, it could avert an accidental war.
It was of such concern to President Kennedy, he personally delivered his directives to NASA in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on November 16.
Six days later, President John F. Kennedy was dead. His directives would never be carried out.
As it turns out, the creation of MJ-12 following the crash of a UFO in Roswell in 1947 would give birth to a “deep state” within the U.S. government.
This secretive branch of the U.S. Department of Defense created the blueprint for methods of government suppression and cover-up of clandestine events and activities.
Although thousands of people had reported seeing UFO’s across America by 1947, MJ-12 still managed to convince the public that they were not UFO’s at all.
This organization was able to come up with a myriad of alternatives for the sightings and was able to cajole and even threaten people into silence over what they saw.
MJ-12 even secretly went about retrieving crashed UFO’s by convincing witnesses that they saw a damaged weather balloon, a failed military experiment or a meteor crash to earth.
This group perfected the art of keeping the public in the dark, which again became the game plan the moment accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was silenced by Jack Ruby.
Just 16 years after the Roswell UFO incident, the dark forces within the U.S. government decided that the true nature of President Kennedy’s death was too dangerous for the public to know.
And just like UFO crash sites were managed to create a false narrative, the JFK death site was set up to find one deranged individual to be responsible for the historic event.
As Through The ‘Oswald’ Window details, witnesses were misrepresented, discredited and silenced. Evidence of a conspiracy was altered or even suppressed for what was intended to be decades.
Conveniently, the man who would become the ‘lone’ suspect would never be able to defend himself at trial or before the special commission formed to decide his fate.
And to top it off, President Lyndon Johnson would classify thousands of documents as ‘Top Secret’ for the next 75 years.
While it was Watergate in 1972 that awakened the U.S. citizenry to the notion that its own government was capable of lies, deception and cover-up, it all began 25 years earlier when a spacecraft from another world crashed in a sleepy New Mexico town.
The cover-up part of the JFK assassination was executed to near perfection by elements within his own government that he had come to despise. As the 1960’s drew to a close, more than 90% of the U.S. population believed that Oswald acted alone.
On November 22, 2018, the 55th anniversary of this national tragedy will be observed by a much more skeptical population, more than 75% of which now believe that President Kennedy died as a result of a conspiracy that was covered up by its own government.
All you doubters may be inclined to lump the JFK and UFO conspiracy theorists together in one giant crack-pot stew.
Speaking for many of us, seeking the truth about the JFK assassination cover-up has been worth the wait and the ridicule.