Ruby Silences Oswald

When Jack Ruby shot and killed JFK’s accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, two historic consequences occurred:When Jack Ruby shot and killed JFK’s accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, two historic consequences occurred:

  1. It was the first time in history that a murder took place live on television, making millions of people actual witnesses to the event.
  2. It denied America a public trial and initiated the formation of the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination and Oswald’s murder.

The result has been more than 50 years of controversy with Oswald never given his legal right to defend his claim of innocence.

In the book Through The ‘Oswald’ Window, author Dave O’Brien argues that the murder of Oswald set the stage for a government cover-up intended to withhold the truth until 2038 when thousands of classified documents are scheduled for release.

Courtesy of Mr. Kesselring’s YouTube Channel –