JFK Head Shot Debunked: Zapruder Film Hid Truth for Decades!

You’ve no doubt heard the expression “Read between the lines.”

A video version of that saying might well be “Look for what you can’t see.”

That’s exactly what happened to Through The ‘Oswald’ Window author Dave O’Brien on the eve of the 55th anniversary of the JFK assassination when he spotted an oddity in the famous Zapruder film that had alluded him for more than five decades.

The moment is so monumental, it proves that the kill shot that struck President Kennedy in the head could NOT have come from above and behind him.

The Warren Commission concluded that on November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald fired ALL three shots from ‘above and behind’ at the 6th floor southeast corner window of the Texas School Book Depository Building where the accused assassin was employed.

This animated video (© Through The ‘Oswald’ Window) reveals what should have happened to Jack and Jackie if the shot did come from 60-feet up and 270-feet behind them as the government claims.

“The animation establishes that the kill shot came from the President’s right-front,” claims the researcher. “In doing so, this proves the presence of multiple gunmen in Dealey Plaza and a corresponding cover-up by the U.S. government.”

This history-challenging discovery is fully analyzed in O’Brien’s up-dated edition of Through The ‘Oswald’ Window: Reveals Stunning Fresh Insights, Three Assassins, Conspiracy & Cover-up in the JFK Assassination. It’s available here by clicking on the book cover image at right.

* This 128-second animated video does not contain graphic images of JFK’s head wound.