An Eye-Opening JFK Assassination Survey by Dr. David Mantik on the Medical Evidence in the National Archives
A fascinating medical evidence based JFK assassination survey by Dr. David Mantik, in which this researcher and author participated, was released in late 2019. With permission, it is reproduced here.

Dr. David Mantik, MD, PhD, is a respected researcher and writer on the JFK assassination. The California based radiation oncologist is among a select group of medical scientists allowed to view the Kennedy autopsy photos and X-rays in the National Archives that are not available to the general public without an approved appointment in writing.
Dr. Mantik has viewed the medical materials in the National Archives a total of nine times and has expressed dissenting views to the essential findings of the Warren Commission pertaining to the wounds sustained by President Kennedy as well as the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the ‘lone‘ assassin of JFK.
His specific expertise as a radiation oncologist makes Dr. Mantik qualified to interpret the X-rays of the President’s body taken at time of autopsy on November 22, 1963. Dr. Mantik was the first specialist to apply a technique called optical densitometry to the X-rays in the Archives, which led him to announce this history-challenging observation on his website:
“Based on three powerful clues from the extant autopsy X-rays at NARA, we now know that three skull X-rays are copies, and that each one has been critically altered,” states Dr. Mantik. “One change was done quite specifically to incriminate Oswald.”
Without prejudice to his own findings, Dr. Mantik conducted a survey about the autopsy and medical evidence among fellow scientists like Dr. Cyril Wecht, as well as cognoscenti researchers and authors and even self-admitted laypersons with casual knowledge of the event. All participants are listed in the survey.
To help you get the most out of this intriguing survey, here are some insights by Dr. Mantik via a written exchange with this researcher and author:
Question – What objectives did you have in compiling this specific survey?
Dr. Mantik – I wanted to answer a simple question: How well does the JFK audience understand the fundamentals of the medical evidence?
Question – What was the biggest surprise you garnered from the survey respondents?
Dr. Mantik – I was surprised by how much inconsistency existed—even among self-described “experts.”
Question – Based on your analysis of the autopsy X-rays in the National Archives, you have cited evidence that the X-rays were altered. Was this solely to suppress evidence of more than one head shot from different gunmen?
Dr. Mantik – Yes. This was the most critical piece of the entire JFK cover-up. Had the X-rays shown clear evidence of a frontal head shot, the game would have been over.
Question – You also mention evidence of X-ray tampering for the purpose of incriminating Oswald. Can you please elaborate?
Dr. Mantik – The fake 6.5 mm object (inside JFK’s right orbit on the AP X-ray) is uncannily the same diameter as the 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano bullet (CE 399). It also seems to be on the back of the skull—thus implicating Oswald.
Question – Of all the evidence you have studied in the National Archives, are there current scientific tests that didn’t exist in 1963 that could be used today that could definitely establish either a lone assassin or more than one assassin?
Dr. Mantik – The “Magic Bullet” could be assessed for JFK’s (and Connally’s) DNA. So could the bullet fragments found in the limousine.
Question – If the JFK assassination was ever officially re-opened:
A) Is the medical evidence the best place to start and why?
Dr. Mantik — Exhuming JFK’s body will never happen, but it could put any uncertainty to rest. Because it is objective evidence it is indeed the best place to start. CT scans of his (exhumed) body and of his head would be enormously useful. We could quite precisely evaluate the Single Bullet Theory and we would clearly see where skull bone was missing. Unfortunately, CT scans were not available in 1963.
B) What investigative format would best produce results that the American public could finally accept as credible and believable?
Dr. Mantik – Such an exhumation, if filmed and properly documented, would be well nigh undeniable.
To view the survey results, click on the link immediately below the image of the survey. Scroll down to the Resources (Articles and Links) section and click on the top-left box that reads The JFK Assassination Survey as shown in the image.
Surveyor’s Note – To save time and explore specific areas of interest, Dr. Mantik invites you to start with the section marked Conclusions and then follow-up with the survey results to any of the 50 questions asked.
If you have any questions to the survey responses by this participant (Dave O’Brien), please send inquiries to
To view the JFK Assassination Survey by Dr. David Mantik, click on this link: