Secret Mission to Halt Anti-American Black-ops Organization Fails to Prevent Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Assassination!
by Dave O’Brien
With the help of this reporter and The Mississauga News, an attempt to warn Egyptian President Anwar Sadat that he was targeted for death came within hours of possibly saving his life!
The middle east pro-American leader was gunned down in a hail of bullets on October 6, 1981.
Just hours earlier, a mysterious figure by the name of General Dico Dimitrov was en route to Cairo with forewarning of a plot to assassinate the Egyptian Head of State.
In exchange for an exclusive story, the Canadian newspaper sponsored Dimitrov’s trip to Cairo after assurances by the Egyptian Mission in New York that President Sadat would hear what the General had to report.
Strangely, as if Dimitrov was known to them, the Egyptian Mission did not demand proof of his bona fides or details of his information prior to approving his visit to the Egyptian capital.
Starting from Toronto, Dimitrov’s journey was cut tragically short. He disembarked at JFK International Airport in New York and phoned this reporter.
“Hi Dave, I am returning to Toronto immediately,” he suddenly announced with despair in his voice.
“Why?” I asked incredulously.
“Haven’t you heard the news?” he replied. “Turn on your TV.”
I did and was horrified to learn that President Sadat had been assassinated.
Per his word, General Dimitrov flew back to Toronto, handed me the unused airline tickets and then promptly went stealth, vanishing as mysteriously as he appeared.
Ironically, we had spent almost the month of September at clandestine-style meetings in dimly-lit coffee shops in the wee hours in downtown Toronto.
He unraveled a conspiratorial yarn that defied believability, even for this self-professed conspiracy theorist.
It wasn’t until he handed me the unused airline tickets that I finally thought he might be credible.
General Dimitrov claimed to be in hiding, a pauper with nothing to his name. Yet he returned the airline tickets even though he could have converted them to cash or an alternate flight anywhere he wished.
He didn’t have to do the right thing before vanishing. His parting words expressed fear for his life.
“Add Egyptian Intelligence to the list of people hunting me,” he fretted. And then he was gone.
Oddly, post assassination, I was contacted by Egyptian authorities only once about his whereabouts. When I expressed my unwillingness to reveal anything about my source, that was the end of it.
Developing trust in him and his story took nearly a month before The News agreed to fund his trip to Egypt.
In those few weeks, General Dimitrov struck me and editor Ron Lenyk as either a relentless con man after a quick and easy cash windfall or he was genuinely out to expose a far-reaching international conspiracy as he claimed.
Let’s start at the beginning so you can decide:
On September 9, 1981, this mystery man contacted me at The Mississauga News after being referred by a local successful businessman who wanted me to check him out before possibly investing in his project.
As you can image, alarm bells immediately went off. These were eased somewhat when the businessman validated that he was a national hero in their shared homeland of Bulgaria for his fight against both Nazi and Communist aggression.
His initial approach to me was very targeted and specific. He knew I had a keen interest in the JFK assassination almost 18 years earlier.
He says he decided to contact me because of the link I spoke of at my seminars between the JFK assassination, anti-Castro rebels, renegade CIA agents and organized crime, although I was not the only researcher touting this possible connection.
“You are closer to the truth than you know,” my mystery guest suggested before finally getting to his mission and motive to involve me.
Needless to say, the cautionary antennae stayed up when he said he had information that would prove a conspiracy to assassinate JFK.
He promised that the shocking information would be mine to reveal to the world…
I helped to secure funding for a film epic that would expose an international conspiracy organization that had a hand in historical events going all the way back to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Skeptical as I was trained to be, Dimitrov produced documents to establish his credentials and disarm my doubts, including a picture of himself in full U.S. military attire alongside JFK.
He also had similar pictures posing with Presidents Eisenhower, Truman and FDR. Realizing the possibility of doctored photographs as I had encountered during my study of the Warren Report, I asked him to start at the beginning.
He proceeded to reveal an extraordinary tale of conspiracy and gave me “classified” marked documents and contacts to validate his claims, as well as his efforts to produce two film projects.
The connection to FDR goes back to the second world war when the Russian empire invaded the Balkans, forcing Dimitrov’s homeland to join the Soviet side.
During that conflict, Dimitrov says he aligned himself with the U.S. military and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as a guerilla warfare specialist.
Dimitrov says he headed the resistance in the Balkans, which was backed clandestinely by the U.S. military and CIA. Despite failure to quell the Communist invaders, Roosevelt evidently became a believer in his guerilla warfare tactics for ground conflicts.
Dimitrov says that a grateful Roosevelt made him a U.S. citizen, bestowed upon him the ‘titular’ military title of General, assigned him the American name of Donald A. Donaldson and put him in charge of guerilla warfare training.
This apparently continued during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. Under JFK, General ‘Donaldson’ claims to have conducted his specialty training for the CIA and anti-Castro rebels in preparation for the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.
It is here, Dimitrov states, that he witnessed the target switch from Castro to Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs failure and the peaceful resolve to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, after which the President publicly pledged there would be no further attempts to free the Cuban island from dictator rule.
As a U.S. General caught up in the cold war against the hated Russians, Dimitrov says he was able to access sensitive government files that suggest Russian Czar Nicholas and his family actually escaped the famous assassination attempt in 1918.
Dimitrov claims to have established a conspiratorial link between several historical events, such as:
- CZAR NICHOLAS – The assassination attempt against Czar Nicholas and his family by the Bolsheviks in 1918: According to Dimitrov, the Czar’s family escaped and lived in exile in Egypt.
- THE HOLOCAUST – The extermination of millions of Jews during World War II: The General maintains that the conspiracy organization sought a new world order in which only certain races were worthy of inclusion.
- JFK – The assassination of JFK on November 22, 1963: According to Dimitrov, President Kennedy became a major threat to the conspiratorial mandate because of his disdain for his own military and the Central Intelligence Agency. Kennedy threatened to dismantle the CIA after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and disregarded the all-out invasion demands of his hardline military advisers to bring about a peaceful end to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.
- MLK – The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968: By having James Earl Ray assassinate the iconic civil rights leader, the clandestine organization hoped to cause racial disharmony between whites and blacks. Riots ensued across America for days and race relations did take a major step backward, which would become even worse following…
- RFK – The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968: Not only did RFK’s death remove a powerful and influential friend of the African-American community, he was perceived to be equally threatening to the military-intelligence complex that his brother sought to destroy. Bobby Kennedy could not be allowed to become President of the United States. Robert Kennedy posed another threat to the anti-American group, asserts General Dimitrov. The assassination of his brother just five years earlier had been covered up by a whitewash investigation by the Warren Commission with thousands of documents and reports marked ‘classified’ in the interests of national security. JFK’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, imposed a 75-year ban on those documents, locking them in the National Archives until 2038. The former Attorney General, guilt-ridden that his department’s attack on organized crime may have prompted ‘the hit’ on his brother, had only one way of accessing the classified files – become President of the United States.
- WATERGATE – The shamed resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974 following the Watergate scandal: A primary goal of the Watergate burglary, says Dimitrov, was to erode the people’s faith in government, setting the stage for a new world order type of governance.
Did Czar Nicholas and his family survive assassination attempt or die as history records? - ONASSIS – The murder of Aristotle Onassis in 1973: Dimitrov claims that he had financial support of his film project lined up with Onassis. To quash the arrangement, the General believes that Onassis did not die of natural causes. Onassis felt he was too high profile and famous to be threatened and believed that once the film documentary was out, knowledge of his involvement would no longer matter. The Greek shipping tycoon told Dimitrov that he knew of only one man who wanted him dead – Jackie’s husband, the President of the United States, who was no longer a threat.
- SAUDI KING -The removal of King Malik Faisol ibn Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia in 1975: The conspiracy organization feared America’s growing influence in the Middle East. Removal of the Saudi King was designed to create an anti-American sentiment in the region.
- U.S. BACKED SHAH – The forcible ouster of the Shah of Iran in 1979: When the Shah of Iran turned to America for life-saving medical treatment, his ouster was enacted in absentia by radicals opposed to Iranian-U.S. relations, chiefly Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Yet another middle eastern country had turned against America, which continues to this day as the radical ideologue, Donald Trump, wins the Presidency and threatens to void the Iranian nuclear weapon ban agreement that lifted severe financial sanctions against Iran under the Obama administration.
Was this man of peace killed to incite violence? 52 AMERICAN HOSTAGES – The Iranian Hostage Crisis from 1979 to 1981: Dimitrov claims to have sent President Carter a report on May 1, 1980 outlining a guerilla warfare strategy to free the hostages in Iran, as well as a copy to incoming President Ronald Reagan. Instead, Carter went with an aerial attack strategy that failed and limited Reagan’s options for a military rescue mission. The General suggests that when the timid Carter braved military action, the Iranians feared what the more radical Reagan might do. The hostages were freed as Reagan took the oath of office as America’s 40th President.
- ENEMIES OF THE POPE – The attempted assassination of the Pope John Paul II in May of 1981: The world’s greatest symbol of peace was no friend of the conspiracy organization that wanted chaos and violence to sweep over America and across the middle east. This group wanted the cold war to heighten whereas the Pope was publicly preaching peace between the two world super powers.
- PRO-AMERICAN SADAT – The assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on October 6, 1981: General Dimitrov claims to have proof that Sadat was targeted because of his staunchly pro-American policies. An army of 100 fundamentalists were blamed for the attack, but Dimitrov claims it was Sadat’s own military that enabled the multiple assassins by standing down and not fighting back when the outburst of gunfire occurred.
“There is much more to this assassination than what we are being told,” says the General. “Pro-American leaders in the world will continue to be targets of this operation.”
Have you noticed that the attempted assassination of President Reagan eight months prior to the Sadat murder does not make this list?
That’s because Dimitrov believes that Reagan’s cold war and economic policies unwittingly aligned with the objectives of the conspiracy group.
They believed that Reagan’s “Evil Empire” rhetoric and his ‘Star Wars’ space weapons program would not only keep the war chest rich, they saw the financial fabric of America eroding because of Reagan’s economic policies they perceived to favor the rich at the expense of the middle class.
Of all the assassinations listed here, Dimitrov believes the Reagan attempt in 1981 was the work of a crazed lone gunman.
Still, an organization that could have this global impact at the expense of the American brand seems preposterous, right?
Even if just a couple of these historic events were orchestrated by an organization with such a devious agenda, history is owed the truth.
For this reporter, the search for the truth started with a look into the credibility of General Dico Dimitrov, who promised much more detail about these historic events in his film epic.
From the beginning, Dimitrov only knew the threat of war. Born in 1924 in Metkovetz outside of Lom, Bulgaria, the young man joined the resistance movement against the Nazis where he became a freedom fighter and a guerilla warfare tactician.
At the tender age of 19 in 1943, he founded the Bulgarian Democratic Liberation Movement, choosing an American alliance even when a Communist takeover appeared inevitable.
As a CIA recruit, the young Dimitrov was directed in 1944 to pass along President Roosevelt’s invitation to Bulgarian President Ivan Bagrianoff to join the west instead of the Soviets.
The plea failed and when he appeared to lose the trust of President Truman, Dimitrov began to explore the possibilities that his new U.S. citizenship afforded him.
This brought him to Hollywood where he became fascinated with the film industry, taken under the wing of legendary director Cecil B. DeMille.
However, his civilian plans were put on hold when President Eisenhower called upon his ground combat expertise for the Korean war in 1952.
Under the new youthful Commander-in-Chief, John F. Kennedy, Dimitrov’s skills were applied to the battle in Vietnam and the burgeoning troubles in Cuba.
After President Kennedy’s assassination, Dimitrov became convinced of an ongoing anti-American plot. He began assembling sensitive U.S. military and CIA files and was surprised to discover a series of dots connecting the above historical events to each other.
The assassination of Bobby Kennedy, in particular, as well as Watergate and the tumultuous goings-on in the Middle East in the 1980’s, further convinced the General that the conspiratorial outfit was gaining influence at the expense of the United States.
Dimitrov’s work under several U.S. Presidents, as well as his foray into the production side of motion pictures, prompted his idea for a film documentary to expose the anti-American organization.
He believed that a film documentary was the only legitimate way to tell his conspiracy tale. As the producer and director, he could have full control of content whereas a magazine essay or a book would be subject to editing by a third party, especially after lawyers had a look at it.
First, General ‘Donaldson’ attempted to alert U.S. authorities about the anti-American movement.
On September 15, 1975, he sent a letter-report to the Church Senate Committee on CIA Activities detailing his findings and volunteering to testify before the hearings.
He claimed he could also name the person who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy 12 years earlier.
“Instead of listening to my important story, they gave my document to President Ford,” says Dimitrov. “The President classified my report for 30 years and told Senator Church to disregard me.”
Despite Freedom of Information attempts to release this document, the U.S. government denies that such a classified report exists.
Before becoming President Ford, the Michigan congressman served as one of the seven Warren Commission members. As reported in this reporter’s book Through the ‘Oswald’ Window, Ford was always the most vocal in defense of the Commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin.
Dimitrov speculates that while the government would have been most interested in the conspiracy against America, it was likely a mistake to mention the JFK assassination.
“I should have revealed the JFK assassination conspiracy in my film documentary,” he concedes.
After this episode, Dimitrov’s association with the U.S. military and CIA went stone-cold. His wife, in hiding back home, complained of threatening phone calls, causing his family to seek refuge with friends while he went underground in search of funding for his film.
In 1977, General Dimitrov was reportedly killed in the Balkans, but Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans, who believed that Dimitrov was what he claimed to be, went on ABC’s Good Morning America in 1978 to say that he had learned that the missing freedom fighter was still alive.
Oltmans cautioned that proof of the JFK assassination conspiracy was diminishing over time and that General Dimitrov may be one person who could reveal the truth.
“That traitor made my life miserable,” complains Dimitrov, who says he leaked the story of his death to aid his underground existence. “Now that I have to live in fear and hiding, my only hope is to put my story on film.”
Other efforts to divulge the anti-American organization were made to U.S. Attorney General William French Smith, President Reagan’s minister in Los Angeles, Reverend Don Moomaw and David Hartman, host of Good Morning America.
Hartman denies ever hearing from Dimitrov, but admits his letter might not have reached him through the screening process at ABC TV.
But Hartman does recall the 1978 episode with Willem Oltmans that forced the General underground.
“We found the Willem Oltmans information to be intriguing in 1978 just as you must find it to be today,” Hartman opines. “This whole story sounds fantastic whether he is the real General Dimitrov or a man staging a big hoax.”
That is certainly the big question. The answer depends on who you talk to.
Mary Ferrell, considered one of the top JFK assassination researchers at the time with the most extensive library on the topic, expressed caution about the General in a discussion with me just days before Sadat was assassinated.
“I don’t know whether to believe this or not, but it is remarkable,” Ferrell stated. “If you have the real General Dimitrov there, he may indeed hold the key to Pandora’s Box about the JFK assassination.”
In 1978, the House Select Committee on Assassinations Hearings attempted to track down the General, but could not locate him or establish his bona fides as a potential credible witness.
Regardless, in 1979, the HSCA report concluded that both Reverend Martin Luther King and President Kennedy were ‘probably’ killed as a result of a conspiracy.
The committee was unable to identify the nature of the conspiracies or the identity of the conspirators who acted with James Earl Ray or Lee Harvey Oswald.
G. Robert Blakey, HSCA Chief Council and Staff Director, who also served as a Professor of Law and Director of the Notre Dame Institute on Organized Crime, doesn’t mix his words when it comes to the mysterious General.
“Our committee in 1978 made a reasonable effort to establish if he was worth pursuing and we simply decided his information was not worth a bucket of warm spit.” states Blakey.
Conversely, serious journalists and historians aren’t quite ready to label General Dimitrov as an intricate hoax.
Gallery Magazine featured the General in its April, 1978 edition, recalls editorial director Eric Protter.
“I’m suspicious of the whole thing, but yet it can’t be dismissed lightly,” suggests Protter.
Per Richard Weiner, an advertising agency executive in New York who was poised to handle Dimitrov’s film advertising campaign in 1973, Dimitrov had a two-film strategy.
He wanted to produce a film about the Czar Nicholas family survival of the assassination attempt as a means of establishing his credibility as both a film producer and an historian.
“Dimitrov had Joan Fontaine lined up for a key part in the Nicholas and Alexandra movie,” reveals Weiner, adding “He did work closely with both DeMille and Aristotle Onassis.”
The would-be documentarian had hoped that the Nicholas and Alexandra film project would spark interest in his international conspiracy epic to follow, which was also the sole focus of his fundraising efforts.
Dimitrov also contends that he was in discussions with both Angie Dickinson and Telly Savalas about roles in his films, but would not say which of his film projects they would appear in.
Sexy screen siren Angie Dickinson, to Dimitrov’s dismay, fell out of contention when rumors surfaced that she had an affair with President Kennedy.
“I couldn’t disrespect Jackie Kennedy,” says Dimitrov, who then reveals a more likely reason he dropped Dickinson.
“Onassis threatened to pull his support for my film epic if Angie Dickinson was part of it,” concedes Dimitrov.
Coincidentally, Onassis married the widowed Jackie Kennedy in 1968. In 1975, before Dimitrov’s film ventures could be cast and funded, Onassis died.
Undaunted, Dimitrov approached the heir to the Onassis fortune of $1 billion, daughter Athina Onassis, asking her to honor her late father’s commitment, but she regarded Jackie Kennedy Onassis to be a sugar-daddy hunter with her dad as the victim. She declined to participate in the project.
While in the Toronto area, Dimitrov did not hedge all his bets on me. He was busy approaching the rich friends of his Mississauga business contact, as well as noted Canadian television and film producers.
These included Murray Chercover, president of CTV television at the time, Millard Roth, executive director of the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association, noted Toronto film expert Sid Banks and his accomplished colleague James Dubrow of Norfolk Films and Productions.
Everyone declined to get involved. Apart from the money I gave Dimitrov to help facilitate his stay in Toronto, I was not able to help him apart from getting him to Egypt in partnership with The Mississauga News.
Dimitrov was convinced that once his information had successfully thwarted an assassination attempt against the Egyptian leader, President Sadat would be eager to demonstrate his appreciation and pro-Americanism by funding his major film project.
Until his sudden disappearance from Toronto, Dico Dimitrov steadfastly defended his identity and lamented the life he was forced to lead.
“I do not have to prove who I am and I will not take money from such people,” fumes Dimitrov. “I am a hunted man and if I am not General Dico Dimitrov, I wouldn’t be living the way I am.”
All these years later, we are still asking if General Dico Dimitrov is the man he claims to be or the perpetrator of an incredible hoax.
“Look, I could have sold this story hundreds of times as fact or fiction and retired comfortably,” he maintains. “This story is for history, not Dico Dimitrov and I am determined to put my life story on film for the sake of history.”
So far, the film has not happened. And we are left to ponder if historical truth has suffered or benefited because of it.
Note: Dave O’Brien is the author of Through the ‘Oswald’ Window,
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