Chapter 7 Preview – Zapruder Film Discovery Proves Fatal JFK Head Shot Could NOT Have Come From 6th Floor Book Depository ‘Oswald’ Window!
Does a film discovery on the eve of the 55th anniversary of the JFK assassination prove that the shot that killed President Kennedy had to have come from a second gunman in Dealey Plaza?
Author Dave O’Brien makes that argument when he reveals something odd about the Zapruder film that he discovered in 2018.
The Zapruder film is one of the most analyzed home movies in history. For more than 55 years, researchers, investigators and film experts have studied every one of the 486 frames of film seeking the truth as to what happened to U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
However, on October 17, 2018, this Through The ‘Oswald’ Window author and researcher was stunned not by what the Zapruder film reveals, but rather by what the famous 26.6 seconds of footage DOESN’T show us!
The Warren Commission concluded that all three shots were fired by Lee Harvey Oswald from above and behind the limousine at the 6th floor southeast corner window of the Texas School Book Depository Building.
This includes the fatal head shot to President Kennedy, which the Commission says struck JFK in the crown area at the rear of his skull. This explosive head shot occurred at frame 313 of the Zapruder film.
Using 9 consecutive Zapruder frames, starting 1/18th of a second before the lethal head shot (frame 312), the author reveals what the Zapruder film should show us if the bullet came from above and behind, but DOESN’T show us.
Instead, the film shows the President being slammed violently back and to the left immediately as a result of the kill shot. The author disputes what caused this result.
With the help of Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the author takes on the ‘lone’ assassin advocates who claim the powerful rearward movement of Kennedy’s head and shoulders was caused by a neuromuscular reaction.
The author backs up his claim of a second gunman with an animated video showing what should have happened on the Zapruder film if the shot had come from the ‘Oswald’ window.
In chapter 8, the author backs up his claim of a second assassin by presenting eight key indicators that the kill shot had to have come from the grassy knoll to the right-front of the limousine.