JFK Case NOT Closed Chapter Previews
Chapter 10
The ‘Magic’ Bullet May be Less Magical than We Thought but Still Not Possible!
No less than historical truth rests on this one vital conclusion reached by the Warren Commission:
One bullet (Commission Exhibit 399) caused all seven non-fatal wounds sustained by President Kennedy and Governor Connally.
It is this solitary conclusion, more than anything else, that enabled the Commission to declare that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, was the ‘lone’ assassin of America’s 35th President.
The Zapruder film exposed the dilemma for the Commission when it showed that JFK and Connally reacted to their non-lethal wounds no more than one second apart, leaving only two possibilities:
- One bullet (CE 399) struck both men, causing all the survivable damage on each man.
- Connally was hit by a separate bullet fired almost simultaneously to the first shot.
Since it took a minimum of 2.3 seconds to work the manual bolt of Oswald’s rifle and get off a second shot, the Commission chose option #1 for obvious reasons: Option #2 concedes that there were at least two gunmen that day in Dallas, hence a conspiracy.
Chapter 2 discusses how and why the Commission ignored its own ballistic tests in failed attempts to attribute all the non-fatal wounds to CE 399 and in chapter 7, fellow researcher Johnny Cairns brings doubt to the notion that CE 399 was even used in the assassination, but this chapter debates the flightpath of the Commission’s ‘Single Bullet Theory’ in order for this bullet to have caused all the injuries on the two men ascribed to it.
It will become evident why CE 399 has become known as the ‘Magic Bullet’ for its remarkable flightpath that requires this bullet to not only make a minimum of two distinct turns in mid-air but is also required to pause nearly a full second between the two victims.
Single Bullet Theory advocates claim that the flightpath of CE 399 was not all that magical but it must be understood, given its relevance to historical truth, that even the slightest falsehood of what this bullet is claimed to have done, destroys the government’s official position that Lee Oswald single-handedly altered the course of history on November 22, 1963.