JFK Case NOT Closed Chapter Previews

Chapter 12


Why the ‘Military’ Autopsy Alone Would Have Acquitted Lee Harvey Oswald at Trial!


Whether on TV crime dramas or a real life murder, the autopsy on the deceased is almost always deciding evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the accused killer.

A well performed forensic post mortem examination cuts through any speculation and scientifically explains exactly how a victim died.

This official autopsy face sheet identifies a bullet entry wound in the upper back, but this wound was moved up nearly six inches to align with an ‘exit’ wound at the throat, allowing the Commission to concoct the ‘Single Bullet Theory.’

As it relates to the murder of America’s 35th President and his accused ‘lone’ assassin, who himself was murdered two days later by Jack Ruby, the autopsy on JFK would not become evidence in a public trial.

Instead, the Warren Report accepted the autopsy as fact and cited it as proof that Lee Oswald alone murdered President Kennedy. It took years, but forensic experts and researchers began to unveil flaws in the autopsy proceedings and findings.

Imagine a jury at a trial learning that the autopsy on JFK was completed without definitively accounting for all the wounds on the body!

Imagine being told that the President died from a gunshot to the back of the head (fired by the accused) only to learn that the procedure customarily used to ascertain a bullet’s flightpath inside a brain was never performed because the brain went missing!

Imagine learning that the three autopsy surgeons had never before conducted a post mortem examination involving violent death by gunfire! Would this explain why the head autopsy surgeon never bothered to call the doctors at Parkland Hospital to obtain their observations and treatment on the President until he had already completed the autopsy?

And imagine hearing that routine procedures and processes were not followed at autopsy because of incompetence, or inexperience to be polite, as well as orders to cease by military superiors present in the room.

Chapter 12 details a very flawed autopsy that many experts believe would have acquitted Oswald in a courtroom. More shockingly, this chapter introduces the reader to more current findings by medical experts in chapter’s 13 and 16 that are at major odds with the medical conclusions presented in the Warren Report.

What becomes sadly apparent is that it is history’s profound loss that the President’s body was illegally taken from the Dallas County Medical Coroner’s lawful possession where a qualified forensic pathologist, Dr. Earl Rose, would have conducted a post mortem examination befitting the victim involved.