JFK Case NOT Closed Chapter Previews
Chapter 18
Top Researchers Weigh In on How Best to Formally Re-Investigate the JFK Assassination and the Key Evidence that Needs to be Examined
The experts have their say in Chapter 18 of JFK Case ‘NOT’ Closed. Now it’s your turn to help the history books finally reflect the truth about the murder of President John F. Kennedy!
No less than 15 of the top JFK assassination researchers and authors weigh in on how a new official inquiry ought to be undertaken, as well as key examples of controversial evidence they would like a new inquiry to examine.
The concluding chapter also details how you can get involved with current efforts to:
- Compel President Joe Biden to release the thousands of still classified documents in the National Archives as mandated by the JFK Records Act enacted by Congress in 1992 that lawfully required ALL documents to be released to the public by October 26, 2017.
- Calls on the appropriate Congressional or Senate committees to establish a new official ‘impartial’ inquiry into the events of 11/22/63 that avoids another potential Warren Commission.
These efforts, led by researcher Larry Schnapf, the former head of the legal committee for the Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA), call for a grassroots movement on both fronts that can only happen with your participation.
The chapter provides a proper form letter, prepared by Schnapf and his legal team of volunteers, that you can easily use to lobby the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government to take action as presented in the letter.
If you are not inclined to write, chapter 18 provides other ways to be an influencer and make your voices heard to the right people in Washington, joining Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s call for the murders of his father and uncle to be formally re-investigated.
JFK Case ‘NOT’ Closed gives you a multitude of key evidence the Warren Commission blatantly dismissed, ignored, altered or suppressed in order to name Lee Harvey Oswald as the ‘lone’ assassin of President Kennedy.
The book, written with four powerful chapters contributed by leading contemporary researcher Johnny Cairns, is your guide to help finally solve America’s ultimate cold case!