JFK Case Not Closed Chapter Previews

Chapter 17


From Cartoons to Modern 3D Realism:

These Evolving Technologies Seek to Finally Tell Us How JFK Was Assassinated!


As you read this, three distinct modern technologies are being applied to the fatal events in Dallas on November 22, 1963 that may finally answer several haunting questions about the assassination of President Kennedy.

This preliminary recreation of the Hertz sign, shown here in a generic setting before final touches are made, demonstrate the meticulous work the project team applies to every aspect of Dealey Plaza at 12:30 p.m. on 11/22/63 – Shape, icon Description automatically generatedDP3D LLC

If you think it would require an incredible amount of meticulous work to recreate to within a few millimeters of accuracy the mere seconds that took JFK’s life in Dealey Plaza on that history-changing day, you would be right.

That’s what a group called DP3D LLP is doing. Using the Warren Report as a guide, as well as the known film footage and hundreds of still photographs that capture virtually every second of JFK’s fateful journey along Elm Street, the documentary video seeks to:

  • Scientifically prove or disprove the controversial ‘Single Bullet Theory’ that the Warren Commission relied upon in naming Lee Oswald as the ‘lone’ assassin of America’s 35th President.
  • Verify whether or not a total of three shots were fired at JFK, all coming from the Texas School Book Depository building 6th floor southeast corner window located above and behind him.
  • Account for all the wounds sustained by both Kennedy and Governor John Connally, as well as the trajectories of the bullets that caused the seven wounds on the two men.
  • Scientifically prove or disprove the controversy of one or more gunmen in Dealey Plaza, taking into account the possibility that not all shots hit the intended target.

In recreating the moments of the assassination with phenomenal precision, such as showing the sun’s glint off of the car’s chrome fender and front windshield as the shots rang out, the group applied three separate modern technologies not available to the Warren Commission in 1963.

Chapter 17 documents the DP3D project as of late 2021 as it approaches completion. Upon viewing a preview of the work in progress, this researcher and author of JFK Case ‘NOT’ Closed calls this project a “game changer” in the renewed efforts to formally re-open America’s ultimate cold case.